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Hi there ! I just arrived at Singapore tonight, and staying my Singaporean brother house.

My friend's wedding was really Scotish and of course it was "lovely" (as British way of "great" :p) though many "unususal" happening occured as well. Just mentioned one big accident was in Glasgow yesterday. Just after the wedding, suddenly heavy snowing. It couses the next day, Glasgow Airport was temporally closed !!! Hey, did you know that ? I had to go back to London at that day, and took the flight for Singapore. Well, as long as now I am in Singapore, it means that I cought up the flight somehow, it was quite interesting story though :p I will write something once I go back to Tokyo :)

I miss Rice so much....
Gege will take me to some nice Chinese restaurant at Chinatown tomorrow, and will do some CD shopping there too.

See ya and good night :)